Friday, January 28, 2011

Muder, the killer, the victim

Murder, terrible from all aspects but unique as well. Each murder committed is different. Whether the technique or the person. No two killers kill the same way. Even as a killer tries to imitate a historic murderer they still do things differently, think differently, motives are even different. Some kill for the sick obsession other kill because of impulse. Some even kill because they have no control, mentally unstable. For the murderers that were never caught, did they truly get away. Are they really free from the prison they deserve to rot in or do they suffer the ways their victim or victims do? To be slain for no plausible reason, to have a life ended for no apparent reason. There is no way to describe what the killer is feeling. Though many killers have had books written about them and have been studied no one will truthfully know what they were feeling unless they were there sharing the body of the murderer. We can only imagine the real fear and pain the victim was feeling. To suffer, to not have a chance to right all of their wrong, to not be able to say goodbye to the people they loved most. We know nothing of how that really feels.The world looks different. Does the victim truly see their life flash before their eyes like a roll of film playing their life in fast forward. Do they feel regret or is their mind and body so consumed with fear that they can't feel anything but fear? Do we dare question these things? Would we want to be able to comprehend such things? Would knowing all of these things help us solve those many unsolved murders and mysteries? Could we tell the story of the wrongly silenced innocence? Would a person really want to tell the story? The amount of trauma a person is to face both mentally and physically. To be ripped from the living world and thrown away as if there were a piece of trash. Their voices unheard. The silent screams of America. Parents fear the call from the police that their child will not be coming home. Their body is found but it is no longer their child. Their child was filled with life and now laying before them is an empty shell, a nightmare that will drift into a persons memory to forever haunt them till their life ends as well. Do we, as a society, really understand the fear and point of view of the victim? Could we comprehend the feelings the killer has towards the victim? Could we ever know this pain ourselves with out the actual damage being done? If we were to know this said pain would we able to talk about it or would it scar us so bad mentally that the constant thought itself would kill us? To enter the mind of a killer is entering madness itself. To see the expressions of the poor lives that were ended. Is there really any reason good enough to take a life.

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